Eva Haughie

A Thank You Note To God




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Somehow, it was okay.

I met each mess with new strength.

People saw the change in me.
I thought it was the books I was reading,
The counselor I was seeing,

Because I had forgotten my dream.
I had forgotten God again.

Eight months later - Easter Sunday.
I heard a family, their prayers and God talk,
An alien language, but

Unlike ever before, I listened, wishing for their peace.

Then I remembered the gift God sent me
Through His Son, the gift of spiritual healing.

It was time to put my life together.

Pieces by Eva Haughie
Collage on paper
22''x28'' c.1991





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Psalm 117:

Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.  Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth, for He loves us very dearly and His truth endures.


All  Contents, Paintings & Images are Copyright © 1986-2018 by Artist Eva Haughie. All Rights Reserved


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