Eva Haughie

A Thank You Note To God




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My paintings helped, speaking to me,

“You deny by philosophical thinking.”

I remembered always saying,

“I’m thankful for the mean people in my life,

Because they made me strong.”

I was wrong.

Underneath the stoic facade,

There was no strength given to me by them.

There is no credit to them.

I am strong because I am strong.

I have pain and anger from them.

These are the real feelings.

Philosophy by Eva Haughie
Watercolor on paper 12''x16'' c.1993





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Psalm 117:

Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.  Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth, for He loves us very dearly and His truth endures.


All  Contents, Paintings & Images are Copyright © 1986-2018 by Artist Eva Haughie. All Rights Reserved


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