Eva Haughie

A Thank You Note To God




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God had not abandoned me,

an undeserving non-believer.


If He can love me, so much that

he sent His son

to heal my spirit.

then everyone is definitely loved.


After my spirit was healed

I was able to find great joy

in my life despite my sickness and

continual debilitating physical pain

which hasn't yet been healed.


It's okay.


Isaiah 6 tells us of God's promises

which, I believe, for me, have to do more

with blessings for my spirit than my body.


Comfort, Gladness, Light, Beauty,

Praise, Righteousness, Splendor,

Renewal, Growth, Wealth,

Riches, Blessings, Salvation, Joy


and Freedom!


Like the Trees by Eva Haughie
Acrylic  on Canvas
18"x 24" c. 1993





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Psalm 117:

Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.  Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth, for He loves us very dearly and His truth endures.


All  Contents, Paintings & Images are Copyright © 1986-2018 by Artist Eva Haughie. All Rights Reserved


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