Eva Haughie

A Thank You Note To God




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It was in the summer of 1995,


I opened the Bible to Galatians, Chapter 2,


“Trust in God."

I didn't appreciate this reading
and whined,

“Yeah, but why don’t you send me
a hundred dollar bill,
some money would really help?”

Then, fearful about rousing God's anger,

I asked for forgiveness immediately.

Later that day,

I found a hundred dollar bill on the ground.
Besides being awestruck, I had to laugh.

"Trust in me."

My freedom comes from


trusting that God loves us, even me.

Freedom by Eva Haughie
Crayon on paper
18"x24" c. 1993





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Psalm 117:

Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.  Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth, for He loves us very dearly and His truth endures.


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