Eva Haughie


A Thank You Note To God 911 Series Abstracts1 Abstracts2 Abstracts3
Animal Kingdom Commissions Floral  Floral Bouquets Landscapes   Whimsical Artist Bio
  For original paintings, giclée reproductions or to request a commission, email art.evahaughie@gmail.com Museum quality Giclée reproductions are meticulously rendered on paper or canvas and may be custom ordered in any size scaled to original proportions.

Animal Kingdom


Lab Oil on Canvas

Tigers Watercolor on Paper


Peaceable Kingdom Watercolor on Paper  Private Collection


Sea Lions Watercolor on Paper

Dolphins Watercolor on Paper

Coral Belief Watercolor on Paper


Carl's Sea Watercolor on Paper

Seahorse Father and Babies Watercolor on Paper



Starfish Convention Watercolor on Paper




Butterfly Paintings Commissioned for a Special Occasion 15 Shown ~All Watercolor on Paper

More Butterflies

Purple Butterfly

Watercolor on Paper

Butterflies at Night Watercolor on Paper

Blooms Butterfly Watercolor on Paper

Private Collection

Microcosm_EH_39 WC on Paper 28x22 c.2005

Original & Giclée available

Explanation: Clockwise,  from top right: Flagella in the Protozoon Pseudotrichonympha (light green & yellow), Neutrophils (red), Desmid: a free floating inhabitant of the sea surface (darke green, red & yellow), Human Bone Cell, Onion Root Tip, Ox Nerve Cell, Human Lung Tissue, with DNA Cells appearing as yellow & green and RNA as red & orange, Cross Section of an Alfalfa Stem, Heliozoon Echinospheatrum Nucleofilum: double helix arrangement of microtubules with a twelvefold symmetry Chloroplast with Outer Membrane, Intermembrane Space, Inner Membrane, Granum Thylakoid, Stromal Lamella, DNA, Ribosome, Starch Grain & Stroma Loose Connective Tissue: Fibroblasts, Mast Cells, White Blood Cells, Elastic & Collagenous Fiber, Macrophage Mitosis, Metaphase Mitosis, Anaphase Peroxisomes in Cells of Yeast, Hansenula Polymorpha (in a medium containing methanol as the sole source of carbon) White Mice, An Erythophore of Holocentrus Rufus (partly hidden by White Mice) and: Pine Needle Cells & Protein Chain.  DNA Spirals run throughout. Ebola cell painted over Mitosis.


A Thank You Note To God 911 Series Abstracts1 Abstracts2 Abstracts3
Animal Kingdom Commissions Floral  Floral Bouquets Landscapes   Whimsical Artist Bio
  For original paintings, giclée reproductions or to request a commission, email art.evahaughie@gmail.com Museum quality Giclée reproductions are meticulously rendered on paper or canvas and may be custom ordered in any size scaled to original proportions.


Psalm 117:

Praise the Lord, all nations everywhere.  Praise Him, all the peoples of the earth, for He loves us very dearly and His truth endures.


All  Contents, Paintings & Images are Copyright © 1986-2018 by Artist Eva Haughie. All Rights Reserved


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